Affordable Hotels in Japan@JAPANandmore

What Are the Most Affordable Hotel Chains in Japan?

Hotels will most likely be the biggest expense on your trip.…
Riding the Bullet train in Japan@JAPANandmore

Etiquette for Riding the Bullet Train in Japan

Today, we’re talking about basic etiquette for riding the bullet…
Rude in Japan©

12 Things That Are Considered Rude in Japan

Today, we are answering the question, "What are 12 things that…
What Is the Etiquette for Taking Shoes Off in Japan?@JAPANandmore

What Is the Etiquette for Taking Shoes Off in Japan?

Taking shoes off in Japan may not seem like an important topic...,…
Best Areas to Stay in Kyoto for Tourists@JAPANandmore

What Are the Best Areas to Stay in Kyoto for Tourists?

Today we are answering the question, “What are the best areas…
Hatsuhinode - First Sunrise of the New Year in Japan

New Year in Japan: Worth a Visit?

Japan is a fascinating destination with a captivating culture,…
Goshuin Books@JAPANandmore

Exploring the Living Art of Goshuin in Japan

Japan is more than just its vibrant metropolises and beautiful…
How to Throw Away Garbage in Japan@JAPANandmore

What Do I Do with My Garbage in Japan?

As soon as you arrive in Japan, you'll immediately notice clean…
Things to Know Before Coming to Japan@JAPANandmore

What Are the Top 5 Things To Know Before Coming To Japan?

Today's question is, “What are the top five things to know…
Tokyo Haneda Airport Terminal 3@JAPANandmore

What to Do after Arriving at Tokyo Haneda Airport Terminal 3?

Today we’re answering the question, "What to do after arriving…